Intermitting living

In the treatment of clinical psychoneuroimmunology interventions are the form of right diet, exercise, breathing, biorhythm recovery, hot & cod stress-stimuli and psychology.

Many of these interventions are based on the intermittent living concept. This concept was conceived and proven by one of the founders of the cPNI Dr. Leo Pruimboom. This pioneering scientific research for ten years, which started with his PhD 'The study of Origin', has shown that 'mild' short-term stress stimuli known from evolution can provide prevention and recovery from (chronic) disease.

Stimulating the body with 'mild' short-term stress stimuli that our body knows from the hunter-gatherer period can provide prevention and cure for contemporary chronic diseases. These diseases are characterized by low-grade inflammation that slowly destroys the internal body. This is because the immune system is continuously in 'attack mode' during low-grade inflammation. As a result, cells in the body are destroyed and they lose their energy. Low-grade inflammation is associated with many contemporary chronic diseases including obesity, type II diabetes and depression. The human body has thus become overloaded and this can be restored by the intermittent living concept that uses ancient stimuli.

Literature: Pruimboom, Leo & Muskiet, Frits. (2018). Intermittent living; the use of ancient challenges as a vaccine against the deleterious effects of modern life A hypothesis. Medical Hypotheses. 120. 10.1016/j.mehy.2018.08.002.

Hormetic stimuli

These evolutionary 'mild' short-term stress stimuli are hunger, thirst, heat, cold, certain physical strain, certain nutrients and oxygen changes.

These stress stimuli are labelled as hormetic stimuli because they exert a health effect on the body. These hermetic stimuli as interventions affect a protein called NRF2 (Nuclear factor – erythroid 2 p45 – related factor) which is a key player in the body's survival mode. NRF2 as a transcription factor affects 270 genes that, after activation, produce various proteins that protect the body due to the antioxidant effect that these proteins have.

The combination of hormetic interventions has been proven in the intermittent living concept. In this study, Dr. Leo Pruimboom suggests that today's (chronically ill) modern man can regain metabolic health in 10 days with a significantly reduced inflammatory value in his blood. This means that the body remains physiologically balanced so that the internal bodily systems are not overloaded. If these hormetic stress-stimuli are short and intense they provide prevention and recovery from disease.

In our current modern life, we get sick because we no longer have to deal with these short-term stressors. Plus, we have to deal with chronic stressors such as continuous eating and drinking, barely moving and constantly having the same temperature in the house. The chronicity of these stimuli causes the stressors to become toxic. The accumulation of these toxins can lead to the dysregulation of the internal bodily systems and thus to (chronic) illness.

That is why it is important that these ancient hormetic stimuli are reintegrated into our daily lives so that the body starts functioning as evolution has built it. You will find these hormetic stimuli of the intermittent living concept back in the cPNI-treatment.

Read about my treatment plan

In a personal one-to-one coaching cPNI-treatment, I will look in depth to your current physical and psychological symptoms. Through my curious mind and my multi-disciplinary lens, I will aim to get connect the dots of your symptoms. Getting insights on the interconnectedness of your symptoms to universal disrupted mechanisms results in a targeted and unique way to restore homeostasis. By strengthening and addressing the body's self-healing ability with hormetic stimuli, you will feel empowered.